Sunday, October 30, 2005

I heart him.

Shhhhhhhhhhhut it!

I'm a pretty good mom. In fact, I've been told I am the best mom on Earth. Actually the best mom on Earff, but I got the gist. I try to take the kids to fun places when I can and I'm all about fairs and parades. But yesterday, I lied to my child. Shocking, I know, but it had to be done! Here's what happened.

This weekend was homecoming here at The State's Univerisity. It is a huge production. We evidently have the largest Homecoming Parade *ever* in our fair town. Parade? We are *so* there! But wait. I took Chris to the doctor on Tuesday because he was hacking and wheezing pretty good Monday night. His asthma has gotten to the point where they finally have put him on a maintenance drug. He has been taking the daily pill, two different nebulizer drugs, a cough med, and, AND, an oral steroid. (That's why he wasn't playing in the World Series this past week.) The doctor told me to keep him home the rest of the week. (woohoo!) By Thursday, we were bouncing off of the walls so I snuck him out to Famous Footwear to return a couple pair of size ones that were too small for him. He then proceeded to bounce off of everything in the store before I sat on top of him to measure his foot (not really) (well, I did measure his foot, but I didn't sit on him. I did grab him up by his shirt-front and explained that we weren't at a playground and he could just knock that crap off real quick. Best Mom EVER! Woot!) Funny, his size one feet are now a size 2 1/2! How did that happen? Anywho...being out in the cold air makes his cough a little worse and so yesterday, I tried to NOT MENTION THE PARADE. We dropped off Matt to help park cars for the Scouts and headed out to get the oil changed in my car and grab some breakfast. Eep! I had to drive past the parade route where hundreds of people were gathering to watch.

Chris - Mom, what are these people doing?
Me - Remember when we talked about Homecoming and stuff?
C - Yes.
Me - Well, these people are here for that.
C - Oh.
Me - (whew!)

So we get to the oil place and right away the guy says "What time is the parade today?" GACK! Uh, pretty soon I think. (Shut it. Shut it. Shut it.) I keep talking about the car until we can scurry across the parking lot to Burger King. (I found out the boy likes Sausage Croissandwiches. Durn it. I had to share. He did share his Cinna-minis, but still...) We get to the counter and first thing, "Are y'all going to the parade?" GACK! Uh, no. He can't be out in the cold air with his asthma. (Shut it. Shut it. Shut it.) We get our food, go out into the playroom to eat and I finally come clean.

Me - Bud, I'm sorry we can't go to the parade today.
C - What parade?
Me - (What parade? What parade? The parade every-freakin-body has been mentioning and I should have just kept my yap shut about it.) Um, they are having a parade today for Homecoming. That's why the people were down the street. But it is too cold for us to be out there.
C - That's okay Mom. I didn't want to go to the parade anyway.
Me - I heart you.
C - I heart you too.

We finished up with breakfast, retreived the car, and went to a local bookstore for a showing of the new Veggie Tales movie "Lord of The Beans".

It's all good. And I still may get to keep my title.

Vroom, Vroom

*Sarcasm Alert*

Am I the luckiest wife on Earth, or what? Dave called me yesterday and asked me, "What would you say to having a Harley Davidson 883R in about a year?" (Note: He didn't have a way to take either of his bikes with him and can't stand being without one.)

So now, I am the proud owner of this, but I won't get possesion for about a year.

I guess I'm letting him drive it around to "break it in" for me. I'm nice that way. Heh. Luckily, their resale value is awesome.

Five bikes! We now own five bikes! Why? Why do we need five bikes?

Let me list them for you.

1 - 1993 HD Heritage Softail
1 - 2001 HD Electraglide
1 - 2006 HD Sportster
1 - 1973 Yamaha 175
1 - 1979 Honda Mini Trail

Why can't he be addicted to, well, anything cheaper?! Like Hornsby's Hard Apple Cider? Oh wait, that's me.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Creepy Moment at The Union

A co-worker and I walked over to the Student Union a little bit ago. We were over by the "food court" area which was closed and had the gates pulled down over the entries. I was telling him that one of the places to eat on campus was a sushi place and said, "Here, I'll show you." and headed toward a sign on the wall that has all of the eateries on campus listed. The sign is posted on the wall right outside one of the entries to the "food court". Evidently, I looked a little too intent on my mission because one of the "food court" workers who was standing a few feet inside the CLOSED gate yells (and I mean yells), "WE'RE CLOSED!". I raised my hands a little bit in the "Don't shoot, I'm not armed." gesture and said (slowly), "Walkin' to the sign." He mumbled something and then said, "Just tellin' ya." To which I replied, "No, you just yelled it at me."


Not so creepy news - I helped with this. (More photos later...)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

How we spent our 11th Anniversary

Busy, busy, that's what we are.

David's unit had its departure ceremony last Saturday. Afterward, he bought me this. (Well, not *exactly* this, but one almost like this. The photo of the actual one wasn't up to par.)

Good thing the traditional 11th anniversary gift is steel!

He leaves today for Ft. Bliss and is supposed to be gone until October 2006. He will get to come home some, but probably not much. We are flying down over Christmas break, but we don't know yet about Spring break and the summer.

This having to be the only adult in charge thing is no fun.

Go Team Prozac!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Food, glorious food.

Today was International Something-Something day on campus. The International clubs set up on the library lawn and serve food from each of their countries. There are 15-20ish booths set up with a crap-load of food to be eaten. A bunch of us usually go over there together, spread out and buy platefulls, and then stand around sampling what everyone has bought. You can't be a germaphobe here! We had all kinds of goodness. Most of which I can't pronounce.

But to top it all off, there was a United Way fundraiser going on in one of the buildings. But not just any old fundraiser. It was a chocolate tasting. You pay a dollar and you get three tickets then you walk down the hall with your little plate and trade a ticket for a sample of any of the many homemade chocolately goodnesses.

I think I may have hurt myself.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Take that, dust bunnies!

It's the little things in life that make me happy.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Hurts so good.

It's hard!

Buy me this?

I totally want this shirt.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to Purgatory!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very High
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Moderate
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Very High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante Inferno Hell Test

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Long Distance Information

I know it has been a while, but nothing exciting has been going on. I'm writing bright and early (thanks drunk hotel neighbors!) from Memphis, Tennessee! We got here late Friday night and will be going back home today. We packed yesterday FULL.

Here is the hotel we are staying in. They bought the historic building next door (the one you see) and have remodeled it. Trouble is, they haven't finished the lobby so we have to get on the elevator in the original hotel, take it to the third floor, walk down the hall and through the connecting walkway, get on another elevator, and take it up to our floor. That's a trip in itself. Last night there was a domestic dispute across the hall (I watched it through the peephole). It was pretty good. She was throwing his stuff out into the hall and they were both yelling. My favorite part was how she threw the pillows underhand. It is a pillow for cripe's sake. Chunk it overhand. At 4am this morning, the neighbors right next door were doing construction or something just as loud. The guys were using their drunk, outside voices. They are in for a treat when I let Chris loose in here in about an hour and a half. Mmwwwaaaahahahahahah! I'm thinking of putting a target on the wall and chunking our shoes at it.

Our first stop yesterday was the Peabody hotel to see the ducks. Good thing it was free. The boy liked it though, so that counts for something.

Then we rode the Ducks. The ones that travel on land and water. You've probably seen them in Branson. It was a good tour. We saw Sun Recording Studio, the Motel where MLK, Jr. was shot, the Orpheum (Who, by the way, needs to change the sign on the marquee. It said, "John Prine, Tonight, 8:00". I got all excited. I heart John Prine. When I called to check on ticket prices, IT WAS FRIDAY NIGHT. Why would they do that to me?), Beale Street, and the like.

Then we headed to the Pyramid to see The Art of The Motorcycle. (The reason we came.)

One of my favorites.

David in back

Shout out to Richard!

Another of my favorites.

Then we went and ate a a rib joint called Rendezvous. It is in an alley. It was pretty good. The ribs aren't slopping with BBQ sauce. They are dry and you have to add sauce. The sauce itself is sweeter than we are used to. We use more of a vinegar base where here, they use more of a sugary type base.

We are stopping by the Arkansas Apple Festival today to get some yummy, yummy apple cider.

See everyone later!