Saturday, April 25, 2009

To have and to hold...


Don't weddings bring a little tear to your eye?

More cake tomorrow for Mom's birthday!


  1. Survivor Buddy6:57 AM

    Got my hair cut last night and heard you were nearby. Hope you're having a great time at the wedding and your mom's birthday. Tell her happy birthday from us.

    At first I wanted to strangle you when I heard you were this close and didn't call. Then I remembered how many times I go to my parents' house and can't fit in an old friend. And I only live an hour away! Have a great time and enjoy our warm weather.

  2. Fist - Violence is not the answer.

    Second - I'm not old.

    Third - It isn't the warm weather, it is the humitidy. My face is an oil slick. Two ginormous pimples on my chin. Welcome home!

    I didn't tell many people in Stillwater because I didn't want them getting mad at me. See? SEE?!

  3. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Not sure it's weddings that bring a tear or the fact I get to enjoy one of my fave's in life---white wedding cake.... And as a purist...don't mess with the cake. It is perfect in in its most authentic form. kelinokc
